That makes zero sense, lol. Judging someone is to express a bad opinion of someone's behaviour, often because you think you are better than them. I’m not saying, “hey! Fatty! Go lose some pounds!” I’m genuinely commenting my 2-cents because one, in a world full of “oh, gurl! Don’t listen to the haterz! You look sexy!” I’m going to tell them that beauty is being healthy. I don’t just walk around town and throw workout advice to obese This was directed at a specific community where beauty and health aren’t even related. Maybe you don’t understand, but being a young woman on social media isn’t the same as being a man. Especially when it comes to beauty standards. Skinny chicks, like me, are made fun of when we post pics (because I’m trying to get compliments? Who the fuck knows) and bigger girls get the, “You’re perfect just the way you are!” It’s a lie, and Psychologically, emotionally, and physically damaging.