Don’t Eat Watermelon Seeds— Mother Knows Best

I had to re-enter into my own existence

Meghan Madness
10 min readAug 24, 2021
Photo made by the author on Canva

Mother knows best! Don’t you dare question the authority of the one who raises you! Respect your elders! She said. Trust me; I am your mother! – I did; trust her, that is. I trusted her with my existence because she was the one who created it. Who am I to question my maker? Please read that again and let it resonate in your mind. Mother knows best. Does she? Or are you simply addicted to the impulse of relying on instinctual and emotional trust?

Addiction is more potent than any virus. Addiction to stress, drugs, hope, or anything that leaves you desperately clinging to your last few shreds of sanity. That feeling of being so intensely attached to false hopes, in my opinion, is what has driven humanity into despair.

When we think of the word habit, we think of drugs, gambling, alcohol, or anything perceived as a decision of “self-harm.” We don’t consider what we have been adapted to be dependent on – being dependent on false hopes. My mom molded me into accepting her for what she was. The maltreatment we suffered was excusable due to her past; my enduring of her was a legitimate continuation of my “maker.” I became dependent on emulating her example and ultimately accepting that she was the reason I became what I thought my identity was…



Meghan Madness

I Write about controversial subjects. Typically Religious.